Harmonious Children Rehabilitation Association

A Message from President

Empowering and Rehabilitating the Children With Disability by establishing the ‘Home for the children with Disability’ is the vision of HCRA. The organisation started in the year 2001 for the welfare of special children with a few handfuls of children has now grown into an Institution of significant social relevance rendering immeasurable services to thousands of needy children with disability. HCRA continues to render yeomen service to the community, deserving the commendation and gratitude all over.

I am happy to note that Annual Report of the year 2021-2022 will be brought out by the HCRA. On this occasion I congratulate all my children their parents and obviously my dedicated staff of HCRA. The people managing the children at HCRA are indeed special, every moment they are being tested for their patience, for their perseverance, for their calmness and most of all for their sensitivity. Every day they kindle new hopes in the lives of 1000+ children, their parents, their families – to empower them to live a fuller and happier life.

Many new initiatives have been taken for helping children develop faster – like Rehabilitation Therapy and Special Education & Vocational Training program for all these special children. I commend the whole Professional team at HCRA for these remarkable accomplishments. I am confident they will keep spreading the cause for which HCRA works through their unrelenting efforts. In our vast country, the contributions of HCRA makes may seem small but they are the world to the special children here. The contributions made by many in different forms are more than sublime to the cause that we serve.