Harmonious Children Rehabilitation Association

Success Stories


Shilpi is 17 years old girl & she got admission at the HCRA centre, Virender Nagar Branch in the year 2013 when she was 7-year-old. She is a case of Speech & Hearing Impaired. Initially she was Trained by Special Educator and also given Speech Therapy Sessions. Now she participates in Canvas Painting, Application of Mehndi, Stitching and other Art and Craft activities. Her inclination in Dance has made her perfect and she has participated in dance competition. Now she got admission in a normal School but still continuing speech Therapy at HCRA, her education level is class 5th. She has basic knowledge of sign language. Her parent is very happy with her achievement.


Krishan got admission HCRA Centre, Virender Nagar during the year 2011 when he was 5 year old. He is a case of Cerebral Palsy with Intellectual Disability. Initially he was sitting in C.P Chair due to balance issues. He was trained by Special Educator, given Speech Therapy sessions & Physiotherapy / Occupational therapy to develop his body balance & behaviour modification. As regards communication issues he responds with expression. Now he walks independently on even surface and uses stairs by holding rails under supervision of a rehabilitation therapist.


Balwinder got admission at the Centre during the year 2011 when she was 5 year old. She lives at Tilak Vihar Tilak Nagar. She is Hearing Impaired Child. Initially she was trained by Special Educator, Speech therapist. Now she participates in Stitching, Painting and Art n Craft activities. She also likes Dance and has participated in Dance competition too. She has basic idea of Sign language. Her parent is happy with her achievement.


Priyanka lost her hearing due to high fever at the age of 3. Her mother brought her to the HCRA Special School, Paschim Vihar when she was 6 years. She was using the hearing aids but did not understand how to use it properly. She was already going to a normal school but not making any progress. She used to imitate but no speech. Her mother opted to get involved in our Rehab. Set up for her Speech Therapy and Special Education. With regular sessions of her therapy there is a remarkable improvement in her speech as she is able to speak some words and small sentences too. There is still work to be done on her speech clarity. Her comprehension is very good. Her mother is very dedicated towards her daughter’s growth and very grateful to the HCRA for helping her daughter getting into Special Education & Vocational Training in Paintings on Canvas & Terracotta pots and other items etc. She actively participates in the ADL at the Rehabilitation Centre. Now she is giving training to other students with Disability at our Rehabilitation Centre on a good honorarium and support her family financially.